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The Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia, the Region of Central Macedonia and the Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki’s Local Authorities ANATOLIKI SA organized the 4th meeting of the Local Stakeholders Group (LSG) of RUMORE project, which is co-financed by the Interreg Europe 2014 – 2020 Program.

The meeting was held on Thursday 31 January 2019 in Thessaloniki, at the venue of Ok!Thess.

Representatives from the Regional Development Fund, Mr. Konstantinos Tertivanidis and Mr. Ioannis Spandos, and ANATOLIKI SA, Mrs Vasiliki Papadopoulou, presented four selected good practices from the 4th interregional meeting that took place in November 2018 at the City of Amsterdam. A discussion was held with the members of the Local Support Group on the characteristics of these good practices and their applicability at regional and national level.

In addition, the strategy and role of the One Stop Liaison Office in the promotion of rural-urban partnerships was presented by Mr. Konstantinos Michaelides, Head of the Independent Innovation Support and Entrepreneurship Support Unit, and the Technical Advisor of the innovation and entrepreneurship support facility, Mr. Stavros Mantzanakis.

The meeting was completed with a first approach to the Action Plan of the Region of Central Macedonia which is under development within the framework of the RUMORE project for the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship with special focus on rural-urban partnerships.